ID | Title | alias | status | accession | title | scientific_name | taxon_id | sample_description | cell_type | dev_stage | germline | tissue_lib | tissue_type | collection_date | isolation_source | lat_lon | collected_by | geographic location (country and/or sea) | geographic location (region and locality) | identified_by | environmental_sample | mating_type | sex | lab_host | host scientific name | bio_material | culture_collection | specimen_voucher | cultivar | ecotype | isolate | sub_species | variety | sub_strain | cell_line | serotype | serovar | strain | submission_date |
ID | Title | alias | status | accession | title | scientific_name | taxon_id | sample_description | cell_type | dev_stage | germline | tissue_lib | tissue_type | collection_date | isolation_source | lat_lon | collected_by | geographic location (country and/or sea) | geographic location (region and locality) | identified_by | environmental_sample | mating_type | sex | lab_host | host scientific name | bio_material | culture_collection | specimen_voucher | cultivar | ecotype | isolate | sub_species | variety | sub_strain | cell_line | serotype | serovar | strain | submission_date |