2 Samples visible to you, out of a total of 2
ID | Title | alias | status | accession | title | study_alias | sample_alias | design_description | library_name | library_strategy | library_source | library_selection | library_layout | insert_size | library_construction_protocol | platform | instrument_model | submission_date |
ID | Title | alias | status | accession | title | study_alias | sample_alias | design_description | library_name | library_strategy | library_source | library_selection | library_layout | insert_size | library_construction_protocol | platform | instrument_model | submission_date |
7 | experiment_01 | experiment_01 | add | Not specified | WGS of yeast samples from heat stress treatments | study_sc_01 | yeast_wgs_01 | Description of the design of the experiment | wgs_library_1 | WGS | GENOMIC | other | single | Not specified | Description of the protocol for the library | ILLUMINA | Illumina HiSeq 4000 | Not specified |
8 | experiment_02 | experiment_02 | add | Not specified | WGS of yeast samples from heat stress treatments | study_sc_01 | yeast_wgs_02 | Description of the design of the experiment | wgs_library_2 | WGS | GENOMIC | other | paired | 150 | Description of the protocol for the library | ILLUMINA | Illumina HiSeq 4000 | Not specified |